FLIR A35 & A65 Cameras
The FLIR A35 has features and functions that make it the natural choice for anyone who uses PC software to solve problems and for whom 320 × 256 pixel resolution is sufficient. Typical applications of the FLIR A35 include automation and thermal machine vision, and entry level “high-speed” R&D.
The FLIR A65 has features and functions that make it the natural choice for anyone who uses PC software to solve problems and for whom 640 × 512 pixel resolution is sufficient. Typical applications of the FLIR A35 include automation and thermal machine vision, and entry level “high-speed” R&D.
FLIR A35sc
Designed specifically for thermal bench top testing applications, you can analyse the smallest items and in the smallest areas where size constraints can be Critical.
The uncooled vOx detector in the FLIR A65sc offers longwave Imaging with thousands of temperature measurement points Across your target for more reliable results